
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Bogyi007


    Úgy látom elsikkadtatok a heti akciós lista mellett.

    Viszont van arra magyarázat hogy az alábbi játékok miért akciósak 8 napig? És ezekről MN nem is írt, hanem itt tűnt fel hogy akciósak

    Dead Island Definitive Collection 60% off
    Dead Island Definitive Edition 50% off
    Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition 50% off
    Dead Island Retro Revenge! 50% off
    Deadlight: Directors Cut 70% off
    DiRT Rally 60% off
    F1 2016 45% off
    Homefront: The Revolution 70% off
    - 'Freedom Fighter' Bundle 75% off
    - Aftermath for Homefront: The Revolution 50% off (has achievements)
    - The Voice of Freedom for Homefront: The Revolution 50% off (has achievements)
    - Liberty Pack 50% off
    - Revolutionary Spirit Pack 50% off
    - The Combat Stimulant Pack 50% off
    - The Guerrilla Care Package 50% off
    - Wing Skull Pack 50% off
    Metro Redux Bundle 80% off
    Metro 2033 Redux 75% off
    Metro: Last Light Redux 75% off
    Mighty No. 9 60% off
    - Retro Hero 50% off
    - Ray Expansion 50% off
    Saints Row IV: Re-Elected & Gat out of Hell 75% off
    Saints Row IV: Re-Elected 75% off
    Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell 75% off
    Saints Row Metro Double Pack 80% off
    This War of Mine: The Little Ones 70% off

    XBOX 360
    Catherine 85% off [BC]
    Dead Island (Xbox 360) 85% off
    Dead Island Riptide (Xbox 360) 85% off
    Escape Dead Island 85% off [BC]
    Killer is Dead 80% off [BC]
    Metro 2033 85% off
    Metro: Last Light 85% off
    Mighty No. 9 (Xbox 360) 60% off
    - Ray Expansion 50% off
    - Retro Hero 50% off
    Risen 75% off
    Risen 2: Dark Waters 75% off
    Risen 3: Titan Lords 75% off
    Sacred 3 75% off [BC]
    Sacred Citadel 80% off [BC]
    Saints Row 75% off
    Saints Row 2 75% off
    Saints Row: The Third 75% off
    Saints Row IV 75% off [BC]
    Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell (Xbox 360) 75% off

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák