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  • válasz buvartacsko #19038 üzenetére

    Az 1.16-os BIOS lelassítja a ventilátort, nyugalmi helyzetben alig van hangja. De ha terheled, akkor megjön. Nem csak i7-est érinti, de az i5-öst, sőt az i3-ast is. Ettől függetlenül lehet, hogy többféle ventilátor van, de mi a garancia, hogy Te a jófajtát kapod? 350e Ft-ot csak akkor adok ki egy eszközre, ha az tökéletes.

    Itt például egy i5-ös tulaj panaszkodik:

    Hi all,
    Here is my experience.
    I have just received my X220 with i5, and the noise is a real disaster.
    I got a Dell Vostro 3300 for 1 year and decided to changed it because of the fan noise.
    I choose the X220 because I previously owned a X60s that was very nice and because of tests telling the machine was silent.
    I have upgraded the bios to the 1.16 version and it really helps a lot. I have disabled the turbo boost. I have compared "balanced" and "maximize performance" for Scheme for AC in the bios for the "adaptive thermal management".
    At the end the 1.16 bios helps to get an acceptable noise... when you do nothing! So far as you start working, the noise come back. And at that time the temperature at my office is only 20°C... so I can imagine during summer.
    The problem I think is the frequency of that noise: it drives me crazy, after only 15 minutes I feel my left ear and start to have a headache.
    I am really disapointed and I do not know what to do with this machine that is worse than my half the price Dell.
    Tomorrow morning I will call my reseller and ask him to take the computer back.
    Until now I was convinced that lenovo built the best notebook in the Windows world. Now I am sure that I will never ever buy another one again.
    If ever Lenovo could give a solution by tomorrow morning...

    The Amiga, Born a Champion

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