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  • TRob1


    válasz xSide #30202 üzenetére

    Vagy talán még jobb ha exportálja sd-re, telefonból mindenhonnan törlés, majd webes gmail címtárba importálja, aztán szinkron... (legalábbis annó én így csináltam)

    (#30201) hodostamas:
    Ezekből a hsz-ekből ítélve nem :D
    -"transparent notification bar please!!!!"
    -"yesssss , pleas transparent status bar !!!"
    -"Stop filling up space with requests about transparant notificationbars, it’s not handheld by the launcher, it’s a framework thing and the from itself has to be modified and still on most roms it can’t be done even when you root and hack the framework, so its silly to even ask for this."
    -"transparent notification bar is possible! ZEAM LAUNCHER AND MIUI LAUNCHER HAVE IT!"
    -"Those launchers that you talk about doesn’t theme the notificationbar it sort of hides it and makes a type of widget where it suppose to be a notufucationbar. This is not a solution for a launcher that wants to be somewhat professional and fully functional and I don’t believe that the GO team would ever use this dirty solution.
    The graphics for the real notificationbar rests within the framework inside system and no launcher can get to them without root no matter what you want to believe."
    -"Statusbar Transparency requires changes to the system UI, thus root access is needed. End of story, stop requesting a feature that won’t be implemented"

    Ennyi asszem elég... :U

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