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  • ledgeri


    válasz nyugis21 #64659 üzenetére

    Kapott válasz? Címek (shift+ctrl+j [Browser Console] seítségével jelennek meg)
    I did that and noticed that we load "detectportal.firefox.com", which is an alias for "prod.detectportal.prod.cloudops.mozgcp.net." We use "*.mozgcp.net" as the domain for the content we store in Google Cloud Platform, similar to how we use "*.mozaws.net" for stuff we run on Amazon Web Services. It's not "Google", it's just rented server capacity. If I do a reverse lookup of the IP address it translates to which is one of the addresses you saw.

    Looking at other things we load at startup according to the Browser Console I see "aus5.mozilla.org", which is currently pointed at prod.balrog.prod.cloudops.mozgcp.net, whose IP address maps to the other host you saw

    aus5.mozilla.org is used for Firefox software update checks detectportal.firefox.com is used to detect [captive portals]

    Röviden, FF-nak kellő cucchoz bérelt szerók címe.
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