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  • daimonion

    senior tag

    BLATTIDA .légysziles ha tudsz válaszolj erre a kérdésre..
    Comodoék ezt miért csinálják a böngészőkkel ?

    Comodo Dragon 36.1 is now available for download from comodo.com:


    Noteworthy elements in the new version.

    - Dragon has been upgraded to Chromium 36.0.1985.97.
    - Adobe Flash stability and performance issues resolved.
    - Improved PrivDog privacy tool feature handling and compatibility.
    - New improved visual look with increased usability and performance from previous version of Dragon.
    - Full support for Chromium Theme which often were broken in the previous Dragon.
    - Refreshed application icon.
    - Numerous bug fixes.

    Unlike the previous Chromium Secure release, all existing Dragon features have been implemented in this Dragon release.


    The Dragon Team.

    Comodo Chromium Secure is now available for download from the following link:

    Chromium Secure and Comodo Dragon both share the same amazing DNA built for speed, security and privacy. Our Comodo Dragon brand is aimed at our beloved loyal users and Chromium Secure is aimed at a wider audience for those who like the Chrome/Chromium experience but seamlessly want the Dragon DNA.

    There were some known issues with Flash player and Comodo Dragon and these have been resolved in Chromium Secure and the new Comodo Dragon. An update of Comodo Dragon 36 will follow within the next few days.

    Let us know which browser look and feel you prefer.



    Ez most mire jó ? Ha esetleg más tudja az is válaszolhat..Miért kell két ugyanolyan böngészőt kiadni más más néven ? Esetleg valami különlegeset rejt a Chromium Secure böngésző a motorháztetö alatt ?

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