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  • Antraxon

    csendes tag

    válasz kexksz #14551 üzenetére

    Greetings Summoner!

    Your account tricccex now has a level 1 Leaver penalty. This is because in your recent games you have either been AFK (away from your keyboard) for an extended period of time or you disconnected from the game. Every summoner contributes to their team’s victory or defeat on the Fields of Justice. Those who repeatedly leave games or idle during gameplay hurt their team and the overall experience of all Summoners on the field.

    If you are experiencing any unexplained disconnections or crashes, please contact us at http://support.leagueoflegends.com/ and we will be happy to resolve any technical issues you may be experiencing.

    For more information regarding Leaver Buster, please visit the following FAQ: http://support.leagueoflegends.com/entries/20030633-leaverbuster-faq

    Thank you for your understanding. We wish you the best of luck on the Fields of Justice!

    Riot Games Player Support

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