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  • S_x96x_S


    sok érdekes téma Jim Keller-el ..
    hosszú .. szánj rá egy kis időt !
    An AnandTech Interview with Jim Keller: 'The Laziest Person at Tesla'

    - AMD, Zen, and Project Skybridge
    - CPU Instruction Sets: Arm vs x86 vs RISC-V
    - Chips Made by AI, and Beyond Silicon


    IC: So going back to ISA question - many people were asking about what do you think about Arm versus x86? Which one has the legs, which one has the performance? Do you care much, if at all?
    JK: I care a little. Here's what happened - so when x86 first came out, it was super simple and clean, right? Then at the time, there were multiple 8-bit architectures: x86, the 6800, the 6502. I programmed probably all of them way back in the day. Then x86, oddly enough, was the open version. They licensed that to seven different companies. Then that gave people opportunity, but Intel surprisingly licensed it. Then they went to 16 bits and 32 bits, and then they added virtual memory, virtualization, security, then 64 bits and more features. So what happens to an architecture as you add stuff, you keep the old stuff so it's compatible.
    So when Arm first came out, it was a clean 32-bit computer. Compared to x86, it just looked way simpler and easier to build. Then they added a 16-bit mode and the IT (if then) instruction, which is awful. Then [they added] a weird floating-point vector extension set with overlays in a register file, and then 64-bit, which partly cleaned it up. There was some special stuff for security and booting, and so it has only got more complicated.
    Now RISC-V shows up and it's the shiny new cousin, right? Because there's no legacy. It's actually an open instruction set architecture, and people build it in universities where they don’t have time or interest to add too much junk, like some architectures have. So relatively speaking, just because of its pedigree, and age, it's early in the life cycle of complexity. It's a pretty good instruction set, they did a fine job. So if I was just going to say if I want to build a computer really fast today, and I want it to go fast, RISC-V is the easiest one to choose. It’s the simplest one, it has got all the right features, it has got the right top eight instructions that you actually need to optimize for, and it doesn't have too much junk."

    Mottó: "A verseny jó!"

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