
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • SSP33DY

    aktív tag


    Köcsög Aeria.. lol, ez NEM véletlen..
    Happy Friday everyone! Nothing like some off time relaxing at home and jumping behind the wheel of your favorite online racing game!! Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and gets some much needed rest! Enjoy the 15% Rush Hour bonus!

    *EDIT* Sorry all due to a technical difficulty the Weekend rush hour will need to be postponed. We hope we can still have it up this weekend sometime but we cannot promise it right now. We can and will however promise you that we will double the Rush Hour when we are able to put it on again. I'm sorry all we will make it up to you guys.*

    Aztán a következő meglepetésük:
    You heard correctly all we will be increasing the price for double RP and XP bonus items come the 1st of March around 6PM PST in which the price will go up to 1199 AP! So now would be the best time to grab any of these before the price is increased
    Azanyjukqurvanyját.. azt.. :((( :F :Y

    EX>>--OBB->>®™SSP33DY lvl 46 "garázsmester" by Erdol....és a kedvenc:..inkább nézd meg buksit.. by Csabesz lol Hiányzik a PT.. mondom a PT!!!

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák