
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • shteer


    válasz shteer #13123 üzenetére

    na fogalmam sincs mit csináltam innen jól, de megy a market :)

    1. yes, go to Internet Explorer settings and make sure that Accept Cookies IS checked. I only say this because all the posts say this is the ONLY thing you have to do to fix the error. It LIES....
    2. Remove HTC Hub (you will redownload in the steps below) by going to application list, HOLD on the HTC Hub and a dropdown will appear, click Uninstall.
    3. Next, using your *computer*, NOT your phone, login to http://www.Live.com with your Windows Live Account and verify account settings
    4. Using your computer, NOT your phone, login to http://www.XBox.com with your Windows Live Account and verify account settings
    5. Using your computer, NOT your phone, login to http://www.Zune.net with your Windows Live Account and verify account settings
    6. Wi-fi must be ON on the phone to update or download HTC Hub
    7. Launch Marketplace and go to HTC Apps
    8. Click HTC Hub, click install (or upgrade), click Accept. The HTC Hub should download, without error, via wi-fi and be displayed in the

    applications list when done.
    9. Done

    szerk: köszi mindkettőtöknek :R

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