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  • S_x96x_S


    válasz Petykemano #5301 üzenetére

    > aZ x86 dekóder limitációról:
    > "For a while we thought variable-length instructions
    > were really hard to decode. But we keep figuring out how to do that.

    azért nem könnyű :-)
    A probléma igazából az, hogy azt a trükköt amit az X86 -nál kitalálnak, az ARM dekodolásánál is fel lehet használni .. vagyis az előny megmarad. ( :R az én laikus - naiv és leegyszerűsített nézőpontom szerint)

    a ZEN3 akár 6 dekodólt utasítást is végre tudna hajtani órajelenként,
    de csak 4-et tud dekódolni ..
    Ha megvan a micro-op cache-ben, akkor jó .. ha nem, akkor meg vár a dekodolóra.

    "The throughput of the Zen 3 is now as high as six instructions per clock cycle. This may be six integer instructions or six floating point/vector instructions, or any mix of these. This is a record so far. It can do three memory operations per clock. The clock frequency is 3.8 GHz with boosts up to almost 5 GHz.
    A serious bottleneck is a decoding rate of 4 instructions or 16 bytes per clock. To compensate for this, the Zen 3 has a micro-op cache with 4096 entries after the decoder.

    The bottleneck in the decoder appears to be difficult to overcome. This is a consequence of the messy x86 code structure where instructions can have any length from 1 to 15 bytes, and it is complicated to determine the length of each instruction. Intel processors have the same bottleneck and the same decoding rate. The programmer must make sure the critical part of a program fits into this micro-op cache if you want to get the maximum throughput. It is important to avoid loop unrolling where possible in order to economize the use of the micro-op cache. (The Clang compiler often makes excessive loop unrolling).

    The AMD Zen 3 has a higher instruction-per-clock throughput and a bigger micro-op cache than the best current Intel processors. This makes the Zen 3 the best choice for many applications. The Zen 3 does not support the AVX512 instruction set, however. Therefore, Intel processors are likely to be faster for software that can utilize the 512-bit vector instructions. AMD have focused on higher throughput where Intel have focused on larger vectors.

    Kérdés, hogy a ZEN4-nek milyen széles lesz a dekódere.
    még ha meg is duplázzák 8-ra - mint az M1-nél ..
    az ARM-et mindig sokkal egyszerűbb lesz skálázni dekodolás szempontjából.

    Mottó: "A verseny jó!"

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