


Aktív témák

  • Soound


    válasz Richard! #21609 üzenetére

    Batista70 3.7.5 changelog

    Wipe and then erase all
    New Script for installation of the Roma
    Aggionto script to "turn off" one core in deep sleep (thanks to 89luca89) - hmm érdekes
    Adding Deamon mod to set the voltages of the CPU during the sleep (now the ragging max 500MHz)
    Fix wifi and pop-up notifications
    Added new tweaks to improve the speed of the device (taken from xda)
    Improved management of ram (we are about 335mb) without having erased the memory
    Add the app in Deamon Controll SDcard hand to set the voltages
    Adding CPUstas to control the CPU
    Removed all unnecessary apps (installed separately)
    Added new market temato (thanks to Guidox)
    Added weather widget entirely transparent (thanks to Antonio)
    Theme revised and improved
    Changed the color of light blue to blue written by
    Fix problem google browser
    Phone ringtone free incremental (but no call rec flashabile separately)
    Battery included improved with the scripts (recommended a wipe battery)
    Others who do not remember now

    MÉG nincs kint

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Aktív témák