


  • Apple Watch Series 10 - évfordulós kiadás

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  • 54000 tonna

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  • sasa134


    válasz Polarstar #29 üzenetére

    Ejtve lett? Honnan az info?

    Bla1ze csak ezt írta :

    " I hate to harp on BlackBerry when the company has enough of a battle to fight on a daily basis, but I wouldn't be doing my job in representing BlackBerry users if I didn't relay the info and make a strong plea to BlackBerry to listen to the community and CHANGE THE NAME. Obviously a good portion of us will be buying this phone when it comes out regardless of the name on the box (many of us will just refer to it as the "new BlackBerry" anyway), but when 4/5 of your biggest fans and influencers hate the name, there's a problem. Hopefully, BlackBerry hasn't printed many packages yet. Maybe if it's not too late, there's still time to change it! Fingers crossed."

    Amúgy sztem holnap a q2 call-on be fogják jelenteni hivatalosan. Mármint a telót, a nevet meg majd meglàtjuk.

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    Avanti Roma

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