
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

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    válasz Kalandor #28711 üzenetére


    This folder also exists in Windows 7. It is normally a hidden folder.

    It is used by the system store Performance Logs (Diagnostics).

    It can be removed, but will be replaced by the system, if needed.

    You can populate the folder by generating a System Health Report. This report will show you a ton of information about the computers performance.

    Open Control Panel / Performance and Information Tools.

    On the left side menu, select Advanced Tools.

    Scroll down and select the Generate a System Health Report option.

    This will normally take a couple of minutes.

    After the report is completed, the report will be displayed. After you close this report, you can see the information on demand by opening the Performance or Resource Monitor.

    The report will be saved in Perflogs\System Folder.


    Nem értem miért nem hidden by default Win8 alatt...

    Intel mappa nem Windows-hoz kapcsolódik, gondolom driver telepítésnél hozta létre, törölheted nyugodtan szerintem.

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