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  • Ringman


    válasz Sir Pocok #16901 üzenetére

    azért szerencsére vannak, (eric ding twitterén találtam az alábbit, de mozso is szokott osztrák statokat berakni) [link]

    I gather Russell Viner has been on the radio to tell us again about how schools are not a source of COVID transmission. So here are a few graphs about what's been happening in Bolton. First, let's look at which age groups currently have the highest rates of infection.

    What a surprise -- it's school children. But note there's a separate peak with a mode among the 35-39 year age group. Which just happens to correspond to parents of school-age children. I wonder where they got it from?

    OK, but maybe the direction of transmission is from parents to childrens, you say? No. Look at this graph and observe how infection spread out from children/teenagers.

    And *when* did infections rise in school children? There've been relatively high rates throughout 2021, but they rose steeply when school went back in March, then fell back down over Easter vacation. But then school went back, with B.1.617.2 now in circulation, and cases exploded

    nyilván ez egy adott város mintája és remélhetőleg nem ez lesz a trend, de jó lenne erre figyelni. sajnos itthon épp győzünk, uh nem hinném hogy egyáltalán rendesen szekvenálnának.

    + itt van ez: [link]

    Local Authorities with more than 20 new sequences of B16172 in the latest update from the Sanger Institute Only Sefton, (+30%),, Nottingham, (+53%) and Blackburn, (+87%), didn't see their total reported sequences at least double from last week, whilst Burnley increased 300%

    ha lecserélődik az itthon is taroló brit vírus, akkor azért át kellene gondolni dolgokat.

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