


Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • reelc


    válasz reelc #2497 üzenetére

    Nagyon hosszú a patchlog, kiemelnék 1-2 dolgot amikről a Preview-ban nem volt szó, és bármely masteryt érintheti. Pár példa:

    - Veteran Difficulty now grants a 10% Experience Gain bonus. This bonus is multiplicative with Experience Gain gear.
    - Increased Experience Gain on Elite difficulty
    - All Component Blueprints now generate Complete Components, rather than Partial Components. Required materials updated accordingly.
    - Rune Augments - increased Travel Distance on Rush Runes and reduced Travel Distance on Teleport Runes. Increased damage and utility on all Runes.
    - All Legendary Shields that deal non-Physical damage have had their base damage changed to the appropriate damage type (ex. a Vitality shield now deals Vitality damage rather than Physical damage)
    - Monster Infrequent - increased Skill bonuses on all two-handed Monster Infrequents to +4, if they are not already
    - Monster Infrequent - redesigned bonuses on all Monster Infrequent Belts. Each belt now grants +1 to a mastery and offers conversion.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák