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  • Géjza


    válasz fatal` #7896 üzenetére

    Jaja. Félrenéztem, azt hittem csak a domborzatot hiányolod.
    Azért tartalmaz valamennyi objectet is a reptereken kívül is (linkelt videón nem tudom mennyire voltak ezek felhúzva):

    3D objects
    A lot of buildings have been imported or created new. The cities of Rotterdam and Amsterdam contain a lot of buildings. Groningen now has the UMCG (University Medical Center Groningen) with a helipad, and also has several other buildings in the city.
    The VU (a hospital as well) in Amsterdam can also be visited with a helicopter as well as Lukkien in Ede (a media company). All high voltage electricity pylons in The Netherlands are present, as are all windmills and turbines. Last but not least ten thousands of trees have been “planted”, and the forests have been accurately outlined. Thanks to several data sources we've been able to depict the type of trees.

    Version 4 enabled us to use autogen objects and to specify separate density settings using the FSX settings. This also applies to trees.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák