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hunaqua #16153 üzenetére
A garancia tényleg 5 év, ráadásul cseregarancia, nem kell semmilyen szervizzel vitatkozni.
A firmware saját. A hollandok szerint bugmentesített.
Ami kiemel minket, az támogatás. Magyar hotline (alapdíjas), gyártói, nem forgalmazói, E-mail támogatás, 60 oldalas szájbarágós magyar nyelvű használati utasítás, hogy ne csak a "fanatikus geekek" tudják használni, hanem bárki.
A merevlemez és WLAN nélküli verzió nem 60 lesz, hanem 42 körül. Persze, a disztrik és viszonteladó marginelvárása ezt módosíthatja. HDMI 1.4 kábel a csomagban.A kijelzőről a hollandok lemondtak, mert az eredeti verziót túl "kínai"-nak találták. Az információk a TV képernyőn vannak.
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Eminent EM7385 hamarosan a piacon:
[link]• 3D Full HD Media Player with next-generation Realtek RT1186 chipset.
• 3D formats Side-by-Side, Top-Bottom and Frame Packed
• USB 3.0 client port for transferring data between PC and player
• Easy hard disk mounting system for 3.5” SATA hard disk (tested up to 2TB)
• Built-in Gigabit lan and Wi-Fi 300N networking
• Black aluminium casing
• Dual boot system with Android
• Control from your Apple or Android phone
• All-new Video/Music/Photo library system
• Play from internal hard disk, usb hard disk, SATA hard disk and your network (LAN)
• Play video formats like MKV, VC-1, AVCHD H/X.264 on your Full HD 1080P television
• Supports TrueHD & DTS-HD pass through on HDMI
• Supports 2D and 3D Blu-Ray ISO files
• Built-in BitTorrent and Usenet (NZB) download client
• Stream music or video from your network by Samba or UPnP
• Three USB 2.0 host ports (two on front panel) and one USB 3.0 host port
• Full-featured SATA port
• Built in SD/SDHC memory card reader
• Optical and Coaxial output for Dolby AC3 & DTS
• Supports AC3 & DTS stereo downmix
• Connects to your network or via USB 3.0 to your PC
• Easy installation
• Accessible helpdesk
• Multilingual user manual on CD-rom (magyar is)
• 5-Year warrantyÉs a lényeg, javasolt fogy ár: 189,- EUR (német ÁFA-val)
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Eminent firmware frissítés, amit érint: EM8100 és EM8102
Support TABEM8100
Support TABA firmware szám: 3.0.2
Version 3.0.2 (22-08-2012)
• Added: Database view on/off option.
• Database view is disabled by default, and can be set to your preferred option
using the menu ‘Setup�System�Database mode’
• With the database disabled, the display and navigation will be much cleaner and
simpler, showing devices, files and folders for you to play media from.
• Added: Advanced audio settings. From the menu ‘Setup – Audio’ you can now
select a wide range of options for your preferred audio output.
• BDMV playback (AVCHD and Blu-Ray folders) has been changed. Now you can
select if you want to browse the folder, or play the folder using a pre-set option in
the ‘Setup�System’ menu.
• Improved the sorting order in ‘list’ and ‘folder’ views.
• Solved: File Manager issue when selecting the ‘File Manager’ option from the
Portal page.
• Solved: Not all BDMV folders/movies were shown correctly in Database view.
• Solved: We made a large number of improvements in the English, Dutch and
German translations.
• Solved: A bug preventing playback of media from ZDF Mediathek* and Arte* in
the portal was corrected.
• Solved: Restoring factory defaults now works correctly when using the menu
‘Setup�System�Factory Default’ to restore your player to factory defaults.
• Solved: Icons from folder.jpg/cover.jpg were not always shown correctly.
• Improved: Changing the player’s ‘Host Name’ will now change the Samba host
name of the player. Changing the ‘Device Name’ at ‘DLNA Media Renderer’
changes the DLNA DMR name.
Note: The availability of online services can vary and therefore can not be guaranteed! -
csendes tag
digikábeles #14472 üzenetére
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