
Aktív témák

  • Richard


    válasz F-ECT$ #21226 üzenetére

    Nem tudom melyik rommer éppen mit hekkelt már bele a saját romjába, így nem is tudhatom mi az amit csak ez tud, de itt van "pár" feature a teljesség igénye nélkül:

    + 18 scrollable quick panel toggles incl:
    'Do not disturb' quick settings button (the notification toggle from tablets)
    'Screen on' quick settings button (temporary 3 mins of screen on)
    'Auto brightness' quick settings button (long press to adjust brightness and auto-brightness using a slider)
    'Mobile data', 'Airplane mode', 'Vibrate' toggle, Wi-Fi hotspot, Sync, Flashlight and the 4 reboot toggles
    Long press on these toggles to go to settings!

    + Original ICS lockscreen
    + Live wallpaper support on lockscreen
    + 6 bars for GSM signal
    + Custom date format on status bar
    + Next Alarm Info on drag bar
    + Transparent statusbar on lockscreen
    + Redesigned Samsungs WiFi icons as I did not like the ICS look from Samsung!
    + Separate Wifi In/out arrows
    + Removed leading zero to hour on status bar (to changed '09:00' to '9:00')
    + Semi transparent connection icons
    + 'Fast screen off' to turn the screen of faster!
    + Toggle flashlight by long pressing Home button on any lockscreen!
    + Toggle sound on/off using volume buttons on any lock screen
    + Disabled 'Battery full' notification
    + Disabled 'Bluetooth' notification
    + Long press volume buttons to skip track (when music is playing and screen is off, and note: this also works when you have set lockscreen to None!)
    + Connection icons are green when fully connected to google servers
    + Battery with percent (100 steps plus 100 steps charging)
    + Added 'Reboot to Recovery' and 'Reboot to Download' to the phone dialog panel
    + Enabled fast double click (350ms instead of 500ms)
    + Enabled CRT off effect when screen off

    Ezek fixek ha csak a frameworkot teszed fel. A 600 forintos Deluxe Settings appal ki-be kapcsolható és testreszabható minden, valamint ezeket csak a programmal lehet bekapcsolni:

    * Disable home button double click (lag fix)
    * Show/Hide the Quick Settings panel
    * Show/Hide the Quick Launch panel
    * Show/Hide the Brightness slider panel
    * Show/Hide the Carrier panel
    * Selectable home button double click action
    * Long press back button to kill apk (with customizable timeout)
    * The two Deluxe Lock screens with customizable actions and support for missed events, live wallpapers etc...
    * Two more buttons on the Quick Settings panel: Secure mode and Power saving
    * Possibility to customize and reorder Quick Settings buttons
    * Customize and reorder the unique Quick Launch panel
    * Possibility to customizable and reorder the Phone options dialog
    * Volume lock (Notification volume level follows the ringer volume level)
    * Show/Hide asu level above signal icon
    * Center status bar clock
    * Add day to status bar clock
    * Transparent status bar on desktop
    * Select stock battery with percentage text to the left (like on the SGS3 or XXLPW)
    * Show/hide most of the statusbar icons
    * Toggle full charged battery notification on/off
    * Toggle USB connect sound on/off
    and more....

    Itt egy csomó videó róla.

Aktív témák