
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • racerx


    válasz laca71 #1481 üzenetére

    Semmi extra, ennyi:
    Dear user,

    We are deeply sorry to inform you that following an attack on our systems, your credit card data may have been compromised. This data includes the card number, expiry date and security code that you entered at oneplus.net.

    As soon as we were made aware of the attack, we launched an urgent investigation. We suspended credit card payments and have been working with a cybersecurity firm to reinforce our systems.

    We recommend that you check your card statements and report any charges you don't recognize to your bank. They will help you initiate a chargeback and prevent any financial loss. If you run into any problems, or need further guidance, don't hesitate to reach out to us.

    Meanwhile, we are looking for a suitable way to offer one year's credit monitoring to affected users. Credit monitoring is a service that alerts you to any abnormal or fraudulent use of your credit card. We will be in touch over email with details on how to claim your credit monitoring.

    Once again, we cannot apologize enough for this incident and the trouble it may have caused you. We have informed the relevant authorities to monitor your card status, and will take measures to ensure this never happens again. If you have any questions, our customer support team is available at support@oneplus.net.

    Our deepest apologies,

    The OnePlus Team

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