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    válasz tahepa #70774 üzenetére

    Ott sem károsíthatnak meg, mert van vásárlói védelem, bár Fogyasztó a megnevezésünk benne. Minden tevékenységet a saját felelősségünkre végzünk, nem? De ha neked ez hülyeség akkor ám legyen. Léptem tovább.

    Nem ezt az értesítést kaptad?
    We’re writing to let you know that an unauthorized third party may have accessed the seller’s account to list this item. The item has been removed from the site, and the transaction was cancelled. We ask that you take the following precautions:

    - If you already paid for the item, you may be protected by eBay. Open a request with the Resolution Center and choose, "I bought an item. I haven't received it yet." You can access the Resolution Center by visiting:

    - If the transaction doesn't qualify for eBay’s protection, please immediately contact the payment service used to request a refund.

    - If you haven't paid for your item, consider this transaction canceled and do not send payment.

    In this situation, your account wasn't accessed by the third party involved. At eBay, we take a number of steps to help ensure the security of your account. Learn more about protecting your account at:


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