


Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • knbs

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    válasz daninet #179 üzenetére

    Nalunk eloszor telefonon az orszagos disztributor felhivta a cegunk tulajdonosat. Elmondtak, hogy nem kotelezo az egyuttmukodes, de ajanlott. Nem tudom a beszelgetesben mi zajlott le de utanna ezt az emailt kaptam a fonokomtol.
    A cegnel en vagyok a cegen beluli IT-s emberke, amit tudok megoldok, de van egy kulso partner aki ha valami komolyabb gond van a szerverrel akkor intezi.


    Dear Mr. xyz

    Thank you for your continued cooperation with the Autodesk software license review of your organization.

    In order to facilitate the collection of the data required by Autodesk to complete the software license review, please click here to access the Autodesk software license review script to be deployed/run by your organization.

    Please note that the Autodesk General Terms apply to the use of this Autodesk script. You can review the General Terms here. By using the script, you confirm your acceptance of the General Terms and your agreement to be a party to this binding contract. You agree to these Terms on behalf of the company or other legal entity for which you are acting (for example, as an employee or contractor) or, if there is no company or legal entity, on behalf of yourself as an individual (in either case, “You”). You represent and warrant that you have the right and authority (as well as the capacity—for example, you are of sufficient legal age) to act on behalf of and bind such entity (if any) and yourself. You may also access Autodesk’s Privacy Statement here

    The Autodesk Script executes the following actions:

    Runs Autodesk Inventory Advisor Standalone agent.Creates a folder named after each terminal scanned that contains: Autodesk software Product information tables Autodesk Software Registry keys Autodesk software installation typeCreates a folder named MSInstaller that contains: Files named after each terminal scanned with Windows Event log 1033,1034 Autodesk product information .Creates a folder named Inventory that contains: Files named after each terminal scanned with Autodesk Software inventory currently installed.

    All data specified above is gathered using Microsoft Windows Management Instrumentation and Powershell queries. For more information regarding WMI please head to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/wmisdk/wmi-start-page.

    Once your organization has complete the data collection part of the Autodesk software license review, please ensure that all data collected during the software review process is sent to me. In circumstances where your organization is being assisted by an Autodesk authorized third party auditor, please send the collected data to them, copying me.

    Please note that from this moment forward it is not allowed to uninstall any Autodesk software.

    As discussed I would like to receive the data not later than Friday the 12th of July.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

    Kind regards,

    Ezeket en lefuttattam minden gepen ez a progi vegignezi a registryket minden windows bejegyzest stb. es a vegen pontosan kidobja mikor mit hasznaltak a gepen Autodesk programbol.

    Egy cikk meg itt a szoftverlicensz jogasztol [link]

    Csak halkan jegyzem meg, 5 liszenszunk volt kb 8-9 gepen hasznalva. Buntetes elso osszege 46 ezer euro, egy targyalas utan ezt le tudtuk tornazni 36 ezer eurora.
    Namost Autodesk az ilyen jellegu illegalais hasznalatot meg toleralja abban a formaban, hogy a buntetes erteket le kell vasarolnod es akkor nem lesz jogi problema a dologbol. Kesobb beszeltem az Autodeskkes ugyintezovel telefonon kivancsi voltam, hogy mi van ha egy hivatalos Liszenszunk se lett volna mind kaloz, arra nem akart valaszolni, de celzott arra, hogy eredeti szoftver hianyaban nincs tolerancia. Arra kerdesemre pedig egyaltalan nem valaszolt, hogy egyszemelyes felhasznalokat neznek-e kontrolalnak-e.

    Szerencsere lejartak volna fel ev mulva a licenszeink igy vasaroltunk 8 liszenszet 3 evre meg 3 bim 360 liszenszet es akkor meg lehetett multiuser liszenszet abbol is vettunk 2-t.

    A bugyi nem a legjobb dolog a világon. De közel áll hozzá

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák