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  • Chal


    válasz Pelican #5240 üzenetére

    Elsőnél item desc.:

    "To use this cable, your display must be a high definition display. The cable doesn't own the chip to convert digital signals to analog signals, so it only fits for the devices which itself can convert digital signals to analog signals, this listing is for the Component Adapter Cable only! The convertor is not included!! Please be sure you get this cable before purchasing, thank you!"

    Random beleklikkelve egybe:

    "As HDMI carries digital signals while RCA carries analog signals. In order for these two formats of signal to communicate with each other, both input and output devices needs to support the signal conversion function (code and decode), please kindly check with your user manual. If both input / output device do not support signal conversion, a signal conversion box is required."

    Tovább nem néztem, gondolom az összes ugyanilyen.

    Nem vágom teljesen hogy mi az a két eszköz amit ezzel a kábellel össze lehet kötni, de biztos létezik valahol a bolygón :)

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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák