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  • LucifeI2


    válasz Cathfaern #11742 üzenetére

    Utána olvastam fórumokon, mert sokan kérdezték, és mindenki azt írta, hogy semmilyen hatással sincsen. De ha belegondolsz egyértelmű, mivel formát váltasz nincs fegyver a kezedben, így hülyeség is lenne. Pont ezért van ilyen sok feral AP a druid itemeken, ha számítana a fegyvernek a dps-e akkor vihetnék a warriorok fegyvereit is.

    [I]Kitty and bear forms do not use weapons, they use paws.

    Paw damage has its' own seperate hidden skill rating so yeu never have to level up weapon skill because it's always at maximum (otherwise casters would never ever bother with their forms in any situation, negating the whole purpose of being a druid).

    Also, paw damage is based on yeur level, not on the weapon damage. Check the top end druid weapons... tons and tons and tons of AP bonus, but absolutely nil for damage. Epic mace? 60ish dps instead of 120 for most other classes. Honestly the dps it has is a waste even. If it were 0, there'd be more points to spend elsewhere >.>

    The only things that matter for damage in kitty and bear is AP, Crit% and level. As stated, yeu don't even have a feral weapon skill rating (well yeu do but it's hidden, can't see it, but it's always level * 5, automatically increases to maximum each level without having to grind weapon skill).

    This's why yeu get a bazillion AP on the weapons anyways, because once yeu hit 70... then whot? Yeah, yeu can get a 'way better weapon', but going from 1dps to 100dps on yeur weapon has no effect to feral forms at all, which makes it hard to keep up with rogues and warriors and any other class that uses a weapon at all ever. Hence, druid AP is insanely high in order to maintain at least some pretense of competitiveness.[/I]

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