

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Polesz


    Well first we need to say Happy Birthday to Slackware who turned 10 today. Happy Birthday and congrads go to Patrick. We are very happy that it has been around so long and is one of the oldest distros still alive. Things are going good on the site traffic is growing which tells us that the Slackware base is growing as well. On a side note thanks for the howto docs that have been sent in. We have posted a couple new ones already and hope to have more soon. We are also looking for mirrors, if you have a good pipe and would like to mirror for us please drop me a line. Well happy birthday again Pat and keep on Slackin.

    Elméletileg nincs különbség elmélet és gyakorlat között. Gyakorlatilag van.

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák