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  • psyche

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    válasz tlac #3236 üzenetére

    mire akarsz optimizálni?
    fogyni akarsz? vagy izmosodni?
    esetleg hosszú életre gyúrni? :)

    Fogyni zsírból, semmi más :D

    Havenday jól mondja. Az aerob edzés elképesztő pozitív hatással van a szervezetre és a jelentősége rendkívül alulértékelt. Íme, a teljes lista:

    Health benefits

    Among the recognized health benefits of doing regular aerobic exercise are:

    Strengthening the muscles involved in respiration, to facilitate the flow of air in and out of the lungs

    Strengthening and enlarging the heart muscle, to improve its pumping efficiency and reduce the resting heart rate, known as aerobic conditioning

    Improving circulation efficiency and reducing blood pressure

    Increasing pain tolerance

    Increasing the total number of red blood cells in the body, facilitating transport of oxygen

    Improving mental health, including reducing stress and lowering the incidence of depression, as well as increased cognitive capacity.

    Slight reductions in depression may also be observed if aerobic exercises are used as additional treatment for patients with a haematological malignancy

    Reducing the risk for diabetes (One meta-analysis has shown, from multiple conducted studies, that aerobic exercise does help lower Hb A1Clevels for type 2 diabetics.

    Reducing the risk of death due to cardiovascular problems

    Reducing risk for heart disease, blood clots, and stroke

    Lowers total cholesterol

    Raises good cholesterol

    Promotes weight loss

    Prevents bone loss

    Body performance benefits

    Increasing storage of energy molecules such as fats and carbohydrates within the muscles, allowing for increased endurance

    Neovascularization of the muscle sarcomeres to increase blood flow through the muscles

    Increasing speed at which aerobic metabolism is activated within muscles, allowing a greater portion of energy for intense exercise to be generated aerobically

    Improving the ability of muscles to use fats during exercise, preserving intramuscular glycogen

    Enhancing the speed at which muscles recover from high-intensity exercise

    Neurobiological effects

    Improvement in brain structural connections
    Increase in grey matter density
    New neuron growth
    Improvement in cognitive function (cognitive control and various forms of memory)
    Improves mental wellness by relieving stress, tension, anxiety, and depression
    Boosts energy level
    Improves sleep quality
    Improves self-image and confidence


    Kiváncsi lennék, milyen hatással lenne a poszt-covid szindrómára. Jár az agyam ilyeneken.

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