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  • Xelo


    válasz Latyakos #3 üzenetére

    What's ''GunZ''?

    We believe sometimes you dream of becoming the cool character or hero that you saw in a movie, animation or a game.

    GunZ is an online game that was produced out the idea of enabling you to realize such a dream! GunZ is not simply a simulation game of a gun fight. It allows you to imitate a famous hero, create your own fashion, and perform a number of different actions such as shooting or stabbing while running or jumping on the walls.

    What makes GunZ more interesting than other games is the fact that the game is available on-line allowing easy access to its exciting elements! AND this game is FREE for playing.

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    még érdekes:

    GUNZ was first produced in 2003 and introduced into Korea in 2004. Since then, the game has continuously evolved. It delivers excitement quite different from the one that you enjoyed with an FPS game.

    * EASY TO PLAY: Configured in the operational system similar to that of the existing FPS game, a user who has tried an FPS game before will find it easy to control and enjoy it.
    * ACROBATIC MOVES: All the eye-popping actions including the Hong Kong-style like John Woo or others seen in the movie Matrix are available in this on-line game. The player can run on the wall like Keanu Reeves or shoot a gun with his coat fluttering in the wind like the hero in the John Woo movie. All the actions imagined by the players can be realized through GUNZ.
    * Fully-Customizable Characters: GUNZ offers hundreds of items. Not only the clothes and accessories for the characters, but also all the other items evolve once they are combined with the character. The more the game expands, the more diverse the appearances that characters will have. That is, players can create their own characters.
    * Random Quest System: As it supports randomly-created quests, GUNZ provides something for the users who find the grandiose battles uninteresting. At the same time, the game delivers unlimited excitement to all. As the type of the quest is diverse, a player can enter another quest by combining items that it already obtained. It can also fight with a very powerful enemy. The enemies include the great heroes and gods depicted in the legends of the Continent, GUNZ.


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