


Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Ringman


    válasz Z.É.T. #37079 üzenetére

    pont az a lényeg, hogy lokális szintről (pl. település v településrész) kiindulva lépésről lépésre legyen koronamentes egy régió, majd ha valahol felüti a fejét a fertőzés, akkor azt lokális intézkedésekkel kordában tartjuk.

    That’s why, in the Ebola epidemic, Bar-Yam pushed beyond the use of individual case management and encouraged communities to be considered as a whole. Rather than trying to backtrack all interactions of individuals, it proved more effective to monitor local communities—whether that meant isolated villages or neighborhoods inside large cities—as a whole.
    Dealing with communities in this way allowed for a localized response to treatment, testing, and social distancing measures. It also encouraged enlisting members of the community to work for their community.
    However, the most successful communities in the nation are those where people are going door to door, with local volunteers out there checking on their neighbors and understanding their situations.
    “It’s very hard to know what people need, and what they need help with, without engaging with them,” said Bar-Yam. “Do they have other health concerns? Do they have financial needs? Do they know what to do if they get sick, or how to keep their family members from getting sick? The door to door process is the traditional process of public health in addressing contagious diseases.”

    ha van időd és érdekel a dolog, ezt nézd meg: [link]

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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák