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  • Воланд


    válasz szilagyiv #51 üzenetére

    igen, biztos az....


    "The dual-OS functionality is what you'd expect: Android runs in a VM on top of Windows 8. Networking, storage and CPUs are all virtualized resources. Virtualization is the only way to enable Samsung's instant switching between Windows 8/Android on a single set of hardware. The switching process itself is pretty quick as Android is treated like another application running on Windows 8. Performance within Android seemed good enough, the UI wasn't butter smooth however. I'm not all that sure about the benefits of running Android on top of full blown Windows 8, but the option is there. There's even a dedicated key on the keyboard to switch between OSes.

    "Woland egy fura sátán, nem Isten ellenfele, hanem afféle küldötte, végrehajtója egy megromlott emberi világban, csak annyi rossz van benne, amennyi itt rátapadt."

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