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"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
válasz jonnyjoker01 #8463 üzenetére
Az nem PPSh, hanem dobtáras Thompson.
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
válasz negyven2 #5774 üzenetére
Én most akadtam bele iTunes-on, a Vol. 2-őt meg is vettem, mert nagyon tetszik az eredeti score-ja a játéknak. (Tangerine Dream, mint közreműködő? Shut up and take my money!)
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
Gratula, jó játékot! Azért röviden leírhatnád a sztorit, akár offban is - üdítő változatosság lenne a konzol vs pc téma után.
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
Az emberek legalább 90%-a kikapcsolódásként játszik, nem arra polírozza a répát, hogy ő mekkora programer, szóval ez a rant amit itt előadtál nagyjából irreleváns.
Valami kisebbrendűségi komplexust kompenzálsz ezzel a PC-superior "hittérítéssel" (ha már előhoztad)?
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
A térkép északi részén találtam egy beach partyt nagy sátrakkal, szörfdeszkákkal meg minden, de valamiért rám hívták a rendőröket a résztvevők, pedig csak álltam és hallgattam, hogy miről beszélgetnek. Ez miért lehetett, van aki esetleg tudja?
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
válasz cyberkind #4859 üzenetére
Akkor lehet tovább hisztizni nyugodtan - de ne ebben a topikban, mert már valóban marha unalmas olvasni.
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
Szar lehet ilyennel kompenzálni, hogy a konzolosok már játszanak, a PC-sek meg ehetik a kefét.
Innentől közérdekű, nem válasz: nekem nem kell a poszter, amit adtak "ajándékba" a rendelés mellé, ha valakinek szüksége van rá, akkor odaadom neki szívesen. Feltételek: személyesen el kell jönnie érte az Örsre, mert nem viszem sehova, nem postázom sehova.
[ Szerkesztve ]
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
Nekem kihozták ma reggel fél 10-kor (Bp.).
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
Müllerben[ Szerkesztve ]
"«Fuck does Cuno care?» The boy turns to you. (He doesn't care.)" [+] "The parasite makes nothing for itself. Its only tools are taxes and tithes meant to trick you into offering what it has not earned. In Rapture we keep what is ours." [+]
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