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Új hozzászólás Aktív témák
vki használ HD 4xxx kártyát Win10-vel?
Melyik driver az ajánlott?
Hivatalosan AMD nem támogatja ezeket a HD 5xxx alatti modelleket már Win10-benKöszi
Melyik drivert javasoljátok Win7 RC 7100 HD2600XT AGP kombóhoz?
chungee #3914 üzenetére
A nagyobbik csomag tartalmazza a drivert + a control centert, amivel a kártya egyéb tulajdonságait tudod finom hangolni.Ergo a kisebik csomag csak a driver.
Sokan nem használják mert kell még hozzá .NET valamelyik verziója is.
Catalyst helyett én is Ati Tray Tool-t használok, kicsi, gyors és mindent állíthatsz belőle. -
master(én) #3544 üzenetére
Kérjük az infókat!
Hogy megy a 7.12? -
Dr. Romano #3385 üzenetére
Hehe, szintén hasonló!
használd az ALT 38 bill. kombinációt és nem kell kilőni a CCC-t
&&&& -
Egyébként itt az eredeti leírás:
Klikk -
Briant87 #3184 üzenetére
Akkor most jön a neheze
Windows XP-hez, Vista-val egyenlőre nem foglalkozom
C:\ATI\SUPPORT\[Current Version]\Driver\Driver\XP_INF\CX_*****.inf fájlban
az "[ATI.Mfg.NTx86]" sor alá illeszd be a köv. sort:"ATI Radeon HD 2900 GT" = ati2mtag_R600, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9405
Ebben a két fájlban:
C:\ATI\SUPPORT\[Current Version]\Driver\Driver\CX_*****.INI
C:\ATI\SUPPORT\[Current Version]\Driver\Driver\INSTALL.INIa "[WINXP]" részben,ami így kezdődik: "R6=DriverPath_R6" írd hozzá a következőt a 2. sor végéhez:
Így kéne kinéznie:
DriverPath_R6=\XP_INF,CX_52443.INFEzután tudni kéne telepíteni az ATI driverét.
Hogy tuti legyen a dolog, ellenőrizheted a gyári telepítő cd-n levő hasonló fájlokat, h azok
ugyan így néznek-e ki.
Ezt a HD 2600XT leírása alapján csináltam, remélem nem csesztem el semmitVárjuk az eredményt...
Briant87 #3182 üzenetére
Először is meg kellene nézned a vidkártya eszköz azonosítóját:
Sajátgép -> Tulajdonságok -> Hardver -> Eszközkezelő -> Videókártyák ->Tulajdonságok ->Részletek
Eszközpéldány azonosítója
Kb. vmi ilyesmit kellene látnod:
Ebből a sorból ez a lényeg : PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_9586, neked más lesz!
Kezd el telepíteni a 7.11-es drivert és várd meg míg kicsomagolja a telepítő a fájlokat és állítsd le a telepítést az 1. adandó alkalomnál.
Ezt kéne kapnod:
C:\ATI\SUPPORT\[Current Version]\Driver\Driver\XP_INF\CX_*****.inf
Ebben a fájlban keress rá az eszköz azonosítóra, ha nincs akkor azért nem tudod installálni az ATI drivert.Válasz alapján folyt köv...
Felrakni sikerült nekem is, de a CCC hibaüzivel leállt.
A telepítő ini fájlok átírásával OK-s a 7.11.
CCC ver. 7.10 pedig jól fut.
Azért mégis csak röhej, h a HD 2600 XT AGP-s kártyákat hónapok óta nem képes az ATI a drivereibe implementálni ill. a directx tesztek meghasalnak.
Az Omega 7.10 driverében lévő ati3duag.dll viszont megoldja a problémát. -
dangerzone #3012 üzenetére
LOL ATI suppport...
Nekem 1 régi vidkártyám van.X800 XL.
Eddig a 7.3 volt fent.Semmi gondom nem volt.
Rászántam magam, h frissítem.Bár ne tettem volna!
7.10, 7.9 DX tesztnél lerobban.7.8-nál még jó...
Kicsit megnyugodtam, h másnak is van problémája én nem csak én szívok.Bocs.
Itt az ideje 1 rendszerváltásra.No politika! -
Motion_Blur #292 üzenetére
Kicsit görgetni kell és fáj? ;)
Legközelebb úgy lesz! -
Itt van, hogy mitől jobb az új driver.
ill. az ismert hibák listája:
1080p Display Support Option
Catalyst™ 5.7 introduces support enhancement to the display support options found in the Digital Panel Properties of the Catalyst™ Control Center. This enhancement will offer a 1080p standard format option for a displays that are reporting incomplete or incorrect capabilities in their EDID information. This feature will be supported on ATI Radeon® X300 products and above, and will be supported under the Microsoft Windows XP, 2000 and the next release of the Windows XP Media Center Edition operating systems.
Catalyst™ Control Center Un-install Option
Catalyst™ 5.7 introduces a clean un-install option for the Catalyst™ Control Center. When a user chooses to remove the Catalyst™ Control Center, all desktop shortcuts, user defined profiles, and hotkeys will be completely removed from the system. All custom setting will need to be recreated when the Catalyst™ Control Center is installed once again.
Performance Improvements
Enhancements to our driver's internal memory management bring significant benefits to 64MB and 128MB framebuffer configurations in Catalyst™ 5.7.
The resulting performance gains are most apparent in high resolution, everything on modes, when running applications that use a significant amount of graphics memory. Examples include:
5-15% gains in 3DMark05 on some products
20-60% gain in Far Cry Regulator across multiple settings
25-60% gains in Half-Life 2 at 1600x1200 4xAA 8xAF
40-60% gains in UT2004 at 1600x1200 6xAA 16xAF
50-100% improvement in Comanche4 at 1600x1200 6xAA 16xAF
50-200% gains in certain ShaderMark tests at high resolution
Note: The exact magnitude of these performance benefits will vary depending on the product configuration, clock speeds and available system memory. All of the changes noted are specific to 64MB and 128MB framebuffer configurations. Performance of 256MB and 512MB boards is already very good at these settings.
Additionally, an improvement in our OpenGL driver brings a gain of approximately 10-15% to the Unigraphics test in SPECviewperf. This improvement is not framebuffer-specific.
Issues Resolved in Catalyst™ Software Suite 5.7
The following section provides a summary of the issues that have been resolved in the latest version of Catalyst™. These include:
Flight Sim 2004: Launching the application under Windows XP and enabling Anisotropic Filtering (AF) within the Catalyst™ Control Center no longer results in the AF functionality not being enabled within the game
Trackmania Sunrise: Playing the game under Windows XP no longer results in the operating system failing to respond when attempting to exit the game after leaving the PC idle for an extended period of time
Warcraft III: Playing the game under Windows XP no longer results in display corruption being noticed when rotating the display 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
Creating a custom hot-key for rotation currently no longer results in the custom hot-key to become unavailable for the secondary display device when extended desktop is enabled and the display devices are set to 1280x1024.
Changing the format from NTSC to any PAL format no longer results in the PAL format not working.
Changing the regional option found in the control panel to Japan followed by installing the display driver no longer results in the TV format failing to change in accordance with the regional option
Changes to the Overlay Display in Clone Mode option found in the Theater Mode settings of the Catalyst™ Control Center are now retained
The Scale to full screen option found in the Theater Mode Settings of the Catalyst™ Control Center is now working properly
Rotating the display by 180 degrees no longer results in all the text on the desktop failing to appear
Truncated text in the localized French version of the Catalyst™ Control Center is now resolved
The profile manager hotkey notification dialog box is now translated for all supported languages
ATI Color Controls can now be reactivated using a hotkey combination if the ATI Color Controls have changed by the color management tool of a third party application
The TV is now detected when both the SVIDEO and the Composite connectors are used
Windows Movie Maker 2.0: The Movie maker preview playback no longer displays a blank image when attempting to playback an mpeg file
Windows Movie Maker 2.0: Attempting to record a TV source for 6 hours or more, no longer results in audio corruption being heard after approximately 4 hours of recording
Subtitles are now displayed when playing a DVD under Windows XP Media Center Edition
The Catalyst™ Control Center Hotkey Manager is now completely localized for Japanese
Known Issues for Catalyst™ Software Suite 5.7
The following section provides a brief description of known issues associated with the latest version of Catalyst™. These include the following:
Archlord: Playing the game under Windows XP SP2 may result in intermittent display corruption being noticed on the lower portion of the display device when moving the character within the game. Further details can be found in topic number 737-19788
Battlefield 2: Geometry corruption or missing textures maybe noticed when playing the game for an extended period of time under Windows XP with an ATI Radeon® X800 XT installed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-19709
City of Heroes: Playing the game under Windows XP Media Center Edition may results in display corruption being notice when attempting to task-switch between the game and the desktop. Further details can be found in topic number 737-19792
Doom3: Playing the game under Windows XP Media Center Edition may result in a noticeable performance decrease or corruption of the MCE on-screen display dialog box when lowering or muting the audio during game play. Further details can be found in topic number 737-19791
Farcry: Playing the game under Windows XP SP2 with the display set to 1024x76832bpp along with AA disabled results in flashing textures being noticed when setting the game's video options to high detail. This issue is know to occur when using an ATI Radeon® 9100 or 8500 series product. Further details can be found in topic number 737-10089
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas: Playing the game under Windows XP with an ATI Radeon™ 8500 installed and having Anti-Aliasing set to 2x may result in corruption being noticed in menu corruption being noticed within the game when the display resolution is set to 1024x768. Further details can be found in topic number 737-19794
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas: Geometry corruption may be noticed when running the mission under Windows XP and using the default setting for the game. Further details can be found in topic number 737-19795
Gunz Online: Attempting to change the screen brightness within the game may result in the operating system failing to respond. Further details can be found in topic number 737-19793
MU Online: Opening a chat window and playing the on-line game results in Hesitation being noticed when pressing the Enter key. Further details can be found in topic number 737-19541
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time: Attempting to launch the game under Windows with an ATI Radeon™ X800 series installed results in an error message being displayed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-19787
Rainbow six3: Athena Sword: Playing the game under Windows 2000 with an ATI Radeon® X700 installed results in the game failing to retain its resolution option of 1600x1200 if you Alt-tab out of the game and then Alt-tab back to the game. Further details can be found in topic number 737-535
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter: Playing the game for approximately 5 to 10 minutes under Windows XP with the game quality set at normal/default, results in display corruption being seen in the menu. Further details can be found in topic number 737-10090
Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Saving a game and attempting to load the saved game under Windows XP results in the preview window display a blank preview screen. Further details can be found in topic number
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: Running the Dantoonie level of the game may result in hesitation being noticed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-19378
World of Warcraft: Enabling Full-Screen Glow in the game may result in a blue screen image being displayed when walking under water. This issue is know to occur when using an ATI Radeon® 9100 or 8500 series product. Further details can be found in topic number 737-19075
World of Warcraft: Display corruption is noticed when switching between the game and the Windows desktop, when the desktop is set to 1280x1024 and the graphic preferences is set to Optimal Quality. Further details can be found in topic number 737-19785
The Apply button in the Custom settings of the Advanced mode found under the Catalyst™ Control Center Video standard settings is grayed out when playing a media file. Further details can be found in topic number 737-497
Changing the DPI setting found in the General tab of the display properties to Large size (120 DPI) results in the change not taking effect when launching the Catalyst™ Control Center. Further details can be found in topic number 737-18885
Installing Realtek Audio/Marvel Lan driver under Windows 2000 results in the operating system failing to respond when performing the ATI driver installation. Further details can be found in topic number 737-19543
Creating a custom hot-key for rotation currently results in the custom hot-key to become unavailable for the secondary display device when extended desktop is enabled and the display devices are set to 1280x1024. Further details can be found in topic number 737-19542
Connecting two display devices using the DVI and CRT connectors on a system containing an ATI Xpress 200 results in the system failing to resume when entering standby state. Further details can be found in topic number 737-19538
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