

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • D.Orion


    válasz Dr_Syrex #745 üzenetére

    3.4 Names (Players and Clans), Avatars, Images/Video, Signatures & Clan logos

    Certain content for names, avatars, images/video, signatures & Clan logos, have no place on the World of Tanks forums or within the world of tanks game, due to their extremely offensive, annoying or inappropriate nature. The following list is only a summary, but it gives some idea of names, images, signatures, avatars and Clan logos which are not accepted with the world of tanks environment:

    Names, Avatars, Images/Video, Signatures & Clan logos ....

    that contains insults, personal attacks, abuse or harassment.
    That contains unprintable words or abbreviations, or which are unattractive and/or unreadable.
    which have (in any way) racist or nationalistic implications which may create offense to a certain nation, ethnic, religious or racial group.
    that contain an allusion of racial or national supremacy, as well as discriminative propaganda on any level.
    which are derogatory discriminative or offensive to people with a disability or illness.
    which have an association with sexuality, pedophilia, sexual abuse; or have an offensive connection to the human body or bodily functions.
    which contain excessive gore or violence, or are obscene/vulgar.
    which make reference to addictive or illegal substances or their use, or any other illegal activities.
    which either in whole or partly contain copyrighted or registered trade mark elements.
    that contain reference to current mainstream religions that may create offense, i.e. names such as God, Jesus, Allah, etc.
    that contain Logotypes, symbols, emblems or figures connected in one way or another with organizations, that violate or were violating existing laws and rules (For example, using different variations of Nazi symbolic, abridgements and signs( 88, 14, 420, SS), or similar stylization (such as, 55) as well as credentials, names and surnames of Nazi leaders) which may provoke strong negative reaction/association or promote national/ethnic/religious hatred.
    that are connected with negative historical or political personalities, first of all those who are judged by international courts for crimes against humanity, those that generally arouse feelings of suffering or disgust in the majority of people, as well as members of currently existing terrorist organizations;
    that negatively portraits the projects moderators, staff or administration;
    which in any other manner violates the End User License Agreement or local laws;

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