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  • zenefan

    aktív tag

    válasz GrooveHero #154 üzenetére

    Persze ne kiabáljuk el, de egyre több helyről erősítik meg:

    "That should be batteres, actually, as the photos are said to come from the phone's FCC certification and show both an LG-BL-T7 pack and one labelled BL-T9. This is signficant because it chimes with earlier reports of two battery variants.
    The LG BL-T7 battery is the "stepped" variety we've seen used previously in the LG G2 and is rated at 3,000mAh while the BL-T9 is a smaller, non-stepped unit apparently rated at 2,300mAh.
    Again this sits with the earlier rumour which said the 16GB Nexus 5 would carry a 2,300 pack for $299 while the 32GB model would have the 3,000mAh unit for $399"

    Ki akar a fa alá 100k alatt postaköltséggel, vámmal, cakk pakk egy 32 gigás Nexus 5-öt? :DDD

    2021-as Black Friday akciók és konzol árak gyűjtése:

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