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  • MaCS_70


    válasz DeniL #23910 üzenetére

    Márhogy a BME280 a pontatlan? Jó tudni... Viszont mivel itt figyel belőle egy pár a beépítendők között, nagy a kísértés, hogy fel is használjam.
    A DHT22-t is nézegettem, de a légnyomásmérés miatt (és baráti tanácsra) választottam a BME280-ast. Egy kipróbálást mondjuk megérnek, aztán ha nem válnak be, legfeljebb lecserélem őket.

    Köszönettel: MaCS

    Szerk: Kicsit keresgéltem, és találtam egy tesztet.

    Kiemelés a végszóból:

    Bosch Sensortec BME280

    Within the data obtained here, the BME280 is the undisputed winner. It is the most accurate at the specified 25°C and it shows the least dependence on temperature. The hystersis curve traces a tight envelope and was highly repeatable on the two cycles performed. It is also the only model for which every device I own performs within specification. The difference is so stark that it leads me to believe the sensing element is in some way fundamentally different from the other devices, but I do not know what the sensing element actually is.

    My two BME280s consistenly read a higher temperature than all the other devices, though I have no absolute reference to say what is correct. They are the only devices tested to show a measurable humidity dependence in their thermometer. Again I wonder if this suggests fundamentally different sensor technology from the other devices. In any case, they fulfill the manufacturer's specified 0.5°C tolerance.

    AM2302 (DHT22)

    In line with previous tests, I would judge the accuracy of my devices to be around 5%. The hysteresis envelope is quite tight though data are unfortunately not available at >90% for sensor F. Device E, cherry picked from my set of six, has a calibration at 25°C that is almost the equal of any device tested, but it shows a strong temperature dependence when away from thise ideal conditons. Over two years, three of the original six devices have failed.

    Ez valahogy nem hangzik túl jól a DHT22-re vonatkozóan...

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