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    válasz kenand #15529 üzenetére

    Pár teszteredmény a BPI M2U lapról.


    root@bpi-m2u:/mnt# flash-bench
    Creating test file flash-bench.tmp of size 512MB.
    Benchmark: Sequential read Limits: Total size: 512MB Duration: 60s
    512.0MB processed in 12.95s (39.55MB/s), CPU: user 0.04%, sys 3.95%
    Benchmark: Sequential write Limits: Total size: 512MB Duration: 60s
    512.0MB processed in 18.89s (27.10MB/s), CPU: user 0.08%, sys 3.06%
    Benchmark: Random read Limits: Total size: 512MB Duration: 60s
    512.0MB processed in 34.05s (15.03MB/s), CPU: user 0.26%, sys 5.83%
    Benchmark: Random write Limits: Total size: 512MB Duration: 60s
    512.0MB processed in 65.12s (7.86MB/s), CPU: user 0.04%, sys 1.27%

    Nem a leggyorsabb eMMC, pár s905 box ráver.


    root@bpi-m2u:~# hdparm -I /dev/sda | more


    ATA device, with non-removable media
    Model Number: TOSHIBA MQ01ABD100
    Serial Number: Z4M1SF1PS
    Firmware Revision: AX101U
    Transport: Serial, ATA8-AST, SATA 1.0a, SATA II Extensions, SAT
    A Rev 2.5, SATA Rev 2.6
    Supported: 8 7 6 5
    Likely used: 8
    Logical max current
    cylinders 16383 16383
    heads 16 16
    sectors/track 63 63
    CHS current addressable sectors: 16514064
    LBA user addressable sectors: 268435455
    LBA48 user addressable sectors: 1953525168
    Logical Sector size: 512 bytes
    Physical Sector size: 4096 bytes
    Logical Sector-0 offset: 0 bytes
    device size with M = 1024*1024: 953869 MBytes
    device size with M = 1000*1000: 1000204 MBytes (1000 GB)
    cache/buffer size = 8192 KBytes
    Form Factor: 2.5 inch
    Nominal Media Rotation Rate: 5400

    root@bpi-m2u:~# hdparm -t /dev/sda

    Timing buffered disk reads: 326 MB in 3.00 seconds = 108.51 MB/sec

    root@bpi-m2u:~# hdparm -t --direct /dev/sda

    Timing O_DIRECT disk reads: 310 MB in 3.02 seconds = 102.69 MB/sec

    root@bpi-m2u:/media/Nas# flash-bench
    Using test file flash-bench.tmp (using all 512MB).
    Benchmark: Sequential read Limits: Total size: 512MB Duration: 60s
    512.0MB processed in 4.91s (104.26MB/s), CPU: user 0.48%, sys 11.16%
    Benchmark: Sequential write Limits: Total size: 512MB Duration: 60s
    512.0MB processed in 15.19s (33.71MB/s), CPU: user 0.14%, sys 3.82%
    Benchmark: Random read Limits: Total size: 512MB Duration: 60s
    29.1MB processed in 60.01s (0.49MB/s), CPU: user 0.04%, sys 0.71%
    Benchmark: Random write Limits: Total size: 512MB Duration: 60s
    395.6MB processed in 88.89s (4.45MB/s), CPU: user 0.02%, sys 0.61%

    Ezen azért látszik hogy nem USB-n lóg.

    A kissé módosított Raspberry Pi Benchmark ezeket mérte:

    Raspberry Pi Benchmark Test
    Author: AikonCWD
    Version: 3.0

    Running CPU test...
    total time: 22.1888s
    min: 8.83ms
    avg: 8.87ms
    max: 20.69ms

    Running THREADS test...
    total time: 16.8590s
    min: 6.49ms
    avg: 6.74ms
    max: 27.13ms

    Running MEMORY test...
    Operations performed: 3145728 (1114119.69 ops/sec)
    3072.00 MB transferred (1088.01 MB/sec)
    total time: 2.8235s
    min: 0.00ms
    avg: 0.00ms
    max: 10.14ms

    Running HDPARM test...
    Timing buffered disk reads: 124 MB in 3.04 seconds = 40.75 MB/sec

    Running DD WRITE test...
    512+0 beolvasott rekord
    512+0 kiírt rekord
    536870912 bájt (537 MB) másolva, 99,7294 mp, 5,4 MB/s

    Running DD READ test...
    512+0 beolvasott rekord
    512+0 kiírt rekord
    536870912 bájt (537 MB) másolva, 12,6755 mp, 42,4 MB/s

    AikonCWD's rpi-benchmark completed!

    A hálózaton másolás azért már nem hozta az x86 alapú pc szerverek 100 mega feletti tempóját.
    Ebben a mérésben, NFS fájlrendszeren 1 giga jött át.

    Mint18 ~ # mount /mnt
    Mint18 ~ # dd if=/mnt/test.img of=/dev/null bs=1M
    1024+0 beolvasott rekord
    1024+0 kiírt rekord
    1073741824 bájt (1,1 GB, 1,0 GiB) másolva, 28,1975 s, 38,1 MB/s

    Végül hálózati tempó, itt a bpi volt a server, a pc a kliens, itt megvan a gigabit.

    Mint18 ~ # iperf -c -i 1
    Client connecting to, TCP port 5001
    TCP window size: 85.0 KByte (default)
    [ 3] local port 40020 connected with port 5001
    [ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth
    [ 3] 0.0- 1.0 sec 111 MBytes 934 Mbits/sec
    [ 3] 1.0- 2.0 sec 112 MBytes 940 Mbits/sec
    [ 3] 2.0- 3.0 sec 112 MBytes 938 Mbits/sec
    [ 3] 3.0- 4.0 sec 112 MBytes 943 Mbits/sec
    [ 3] 4.0- 5.0 sec 112 MBytes 937 Mbits/sec
    [ 3] 5.0- 6.0 sec 112 MBytes 938 Mbits/sec
    [ 3] 6.0- 7.0 sec 112 MBytes 943 Mbits/sec
    [ 3] 7.0- 8.0 sec 112 MBytes 941 Mbits/sec
    [ 3] 8.0- 9.0 sec 112 MBytes 941 Mbits/sec
    [ 3] 9.0-10.0 sec 112 MBytes 940 Mbits/sec
    [ 3] 0.0-10.0 sec 1.09 GBytes 939 Mbits/sec

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