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  • AtHoS


    válasz Chosen #757 üzenetére

    No akkor ezt lehet olvasgatni szorgalmasan. [link] El is teszem könyvjelzők közé későbbre :DDD

    Itt írnak x, y-ról:

    "By changing the x and y values we can map to any possible colour visible to the human eye. The Y value is the brightness (or luminance) of the colour and while not shown on the graph, it could be represented by a third axis that comes out of the page (or screen as you're likely reading this online). What we will be doing later is taking readings by varying the "Y" value from black (0 IRE) to white (100 IRE) and trying to adjust the color to make it fall right at the middle white point, called D65. D65 represents the location where there is no colour component at all: It's purely black, white or a shade of grey in-between. The x,y coordinates for the D65 point are x=0.313, y=0.329. These are the magical numbers we will be trying to achieve by taking measurements with our meter."

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