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  • cskamacska


    válasz batman91 #154 üzenetére

    Mondjuk aki egy jobb Post Scriptumra vágyott, az a faltól kapja a másikat. :D

    Dr.Unfähig ♥ Ariana » Reviews » Hell Let Loose

    Not Recommended
    0.4 hrs last two weeks / 42.6 hrs on record

    Posted: 6 Jun @ 3:44pm
    Updated: 6 Jun @ 7:05pm

    "I supported this Hell Let Loose since day one on Kickstarter and I was looking forward to it more than to any other game, but the devs just trashed everything it was worth buying for.

    When I read the Kickstarter campaign of HLL almost two years ago I was really hyped for this game, it sounded like a good alternative to Post Scriptum (which is bascially a WW2 aquivalent to the game Squad). Especially the game mode where the whole map is divided into capture sectors was a refreshing mechanic and turned out to be a lot of fun during the first backer alpha. The game was quite barebones but met my high expectations.
    Apperantly some players didn't like the slow tactical approach and complained in the forums about that there was too few action.
    The devs then decided to, as they said, "temporary" limit the map size for the next alpha until vehicles find their way in the game.
    In the following playtests the map size wasn't adjusted any more and the devs announced the smaller map size to be their standard from now on.

    After that they also trashed the whole game concept (their only game mode at this point) and replaced it with a normal capture mode (Conquest with specified cap order). That leads to much more action while the teamplay suffers from it. Also flanks are not worth it any more as the map size is too limited, so you will most likely get spotted very early on. If you once make it somehow, your (edit: self placed) spawn points will be trashed by the game itself if you lose a caputure point when that spawn point is behind enemy lines now. What the .... ? This is some horrible game design right there.

    The game really lost it's whole point when the devs decided to give up their vision of a slow tactical ww2 game. I don't know what has driven them to such decisions but it probably must be a combination of complaining casual gamers and the publisher (who was announced to be their publisher some months ago).
    HLL has become a boring, action focussed mess like a Battlefield game on slightly bigger maps. This is just a huge disappointment.

    I'm aware that my opinion most likely doesn't represent the majority of players, but I just wanted to warn potential buyers who were expecting a tacical and teamplay oriented ww2 game like it was advertised in 2017 on Kickstarter.

    I really wanted to like this game - and I did - until it has fallen victim to the mass market."

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    "Para mis amigos todo, para mis enemigos la ley"

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