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  • Woodslave


    válasz Zola007 #79841 üzenetére

    Egyébént ennek milyen gyakorlati jelentősége van? Mert egyesek szerint az elhízás legfőbb oka az inzulin más nézet szerint meg nem..

    [ Szerkesztve ]

    "akkor ne rezisztencia edzést csinálj hanem rendes odabaxósat :) "Bá

  • kolosanyi


    válasz Zola007 #79841 üzenetére

    Igazából semmi különöset nem érzek a tejes dolgok után, vagyis eddig nem tűnt fel. Egy időben azt hittem, hogy ha fehér tésztás dolgokból bekajálok, akkor elálmosodom egy idő után, de azt is kitapasztaltam, hogy ez nem így van. Ha eleget aludtam az éjjel, semmit nem fogok érezni akkor se, ha elfogyasztok 100 g fehér kenyeret. Ettől függetlenül durva a táblázatod. :R

    (#79842) Woodslave
    Én is olvastam ilyenekről, de szerintem ez agyon van már magyarázva. Biztos számít az inzulin emelkedés, de alapvetően szerintem továbbra is a kalóriamérleg a leglényegesebb.

    (#79850) Zola007
    3 dolgot kell alapvetően figyelembe venni.
    napi kalóriabevitel
    étkezések száma
    étkezések glikémiás terhelése (GI * ch-tartalom) minden alkotóra
    napi teljes glikémiás terhelés

    De ez négy. ;] :DDD

    Egyébként Jack LaLannenek volt igaza. Egyél rengeteg zöldséget, kerüld a finomított, többszörösen feldolgozott vackokat és eddz minden nap. Itt van egy vele készült - nagyon hosszú - interjú: link. Elgondolkodtató.

    Share Guide: In your book you mention that you were a vegetarian at one point for 6 years.

    Jack LaLanne: I was a strict vegetarian. Then I decided to enter a Mr. America contest (which I won) and in those days they thought that in order to build muscle you had to have meat. So I ate meat for a while.

    Share Guide: Why did you stop being a strict vegetarian?

    Jack LaLanne: In those days everybody was saying that you had to eat meat to build muscle, so I went on a meat thing for awhile. NowI only eat fish--no chicken, no turkey, just fish. I get all my protein from fish and egg whites.

    Share Guide: That is what my favorite healing authority says, Dr. Andrew Weil. He believes in eating fish and dairy on top of the vegetarian diet--the vegaquarian diet.

    Jack LaLanne: I use no milk of any kind. Anything that comes from a cow I don't eat.

    Share Guide: You aren't eating nonfat yogurt with your fruit anymore?

    Jack LaLanne: I may take one bite. Or a little skim milk once in a while is not going to hurt you. It isn't what you do once in a while that's a problem; it's what you do all the time. Look at the average American diet: ice cream, butter, cheese, whole milk, all this fat. People don't realize how much of this stuff you get by the end of the day. High blood pressure is from all this high-fat eating. Do you know how many calories are in butter and cheese and ice cream? Would you get your dog up in the morning for a cup of coffee and a donut? Probably millions of Americans got up this morning with a cup of coffee, a cigarette and a donut. No wonder they are sick and fouled up.

    Share Guide: Do you use supplements?

    Jack LaLanne: Are you kidding? About 40 or 50 a day. Everything from A to Z. Ninety percent of them are natural, as much as I can take. I take enzymes, I take herbs, the whole bit!

    Share Guide: Do you advocate a little red wine? Is that okay with you?

    Jack LaLanne: Absolutely! I'd rather see you drink a glass of wine than a glass of milk. So many people drink Coca-Cola and all these soft drinks with sugar. Some of these drinks have 8 or 9 teaspoons of sugar in them What's the good of living if you can't have the things that give a little enjoyment? I never drink wine unless I am eating though. I take it with my meal.

    Share Guide: How about water? I know I should drink more water.

    Jack LaLanne: I drink 6 or seven glasses of water a day. I also drink vegetable juice. And I have at least 5 or 6 pieces of fresh fruit everyday and 10 raw vegetables.

    Share Guide: How do you feel about organic foods?

    Jack LaLanne: It's a bunch of bull. How do you know what's really organic? Today, there's all these impurities in the water and the air. The water for the fruits and vegetables has junk in it. If you get enough vitamins and minerals out of normal food and whole grains, and you get enough proteins and exercise (that's the key) then nature builds up a tolerance to all of these things. It's survival of the fittest. You can't have everything perfect, that's impossible, but the fit survive. The fit can handle the impurities in the air and in the water, but the poor people who are sick, it really affects them more.

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