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  • tha_answer


    válasz arnyekxxx #249 üzenetére

    "ezt a kommenetemet: "Az első villanyautós projectet azért állították le mert jöttek a benzines autók és lenyomták"
    akartad cáfolni azzal, hogy a"
    "A kurbli kivaltasa elektromos arammal tette le a villanyautokat."

    tegyunk kulonbseget a kozott hogy valami piacvezeto vagy nem is letezik a piacon. a villanyautokat a kurbli tette le a sirba. senki sem allitotta hogy piacvezetok vagy barmilyenek lettek volna elotte barmikor.
    annyi volt az allitas lenyege hogy az oninditonak koszonhetoen semmilyen innovacios penz nem kerult a villanyprojectbe mert megszunt a szexisege a benzinessel szemben.

    annyira lenyomta hogy herny ford felesege is villanyautot hasznalt a t mondell utan is ;]

    "Battery-powered vehicles retained popularity among female drivers in cities, who valued them for their reliability — they wouldn’t blow up, as gas cars were known to do on occasion — and ease of use. Clara Ford, wife of Henry, whose Model T all but decimated the electric car, drove a 1914 Detroit Electric. (What her husband made of the fact that she wasn’t driving a Ford is lost to history.) The Detroit models could run 80 miles on a single charge, with a top speed of about 20 mph. "

    "In 2012 Toyota was advertising “regenerative braking”, the Detroit Electric started using that in 1915…. The real killer for the electric car was the invention of the electric starter or at least the first working one in 1911 by Charles F. Kettering of Dayton Electric Laboratories (DELCO). It was first used in 1912 by Cadillac."

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