
Samsung G810 - robust


Foreword, accessories

It is just amazing how much can the cell phone market change in a year. When N95 was launched we thought that it’s very small compared to its features! And now I have Samsung’s similar device in my hands, and I can’t write the same things about it, knowing the handsets that have been launched during the last year, and furthermore this is even considered as quite large, as in Pocket PCs or Symbian-based smartphones there has been no phone that really has lots of features and it’s still slim. The number of features of G810, however, is not characteristic of such kind of devices, so we can understand why it is so large.


Before getting down to details, I have to mention something very important: Samsung G810 is not available officially in all countries. Of course this doesn’t mean that it cannot be bought at all, as larger GSM stores can usually get new ones with warranty, but it’s sure that it won’t be available with subscription at any network operator in some countries.


The number of accessories depends on the network operator. The network-independent edition usually comes with a data cable, a stereo headset and a TV-out cable, the latter one not being supplied by all operators, so be sure to check this if this is an important thing for you! As opposed to N95 there is no expansion card included, but thanks to the great drop in memory prices this should be no problem, anyone can buy as large a card as he wants to.

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