
Samsung U900 - a Soul in search of answers



Samsung U900 has been announced under the name Soul in this February at the MWC exposition. It has been already evident back then that it’s going to be a really important model, as the city was full of billboards of the phone, and there were at least 10 Soul phones at Samsung’s stand. I can’t really say that it’s a top model, as there is the Symbian-based G810, i780 with Windows, F480 four touch-maniacs, but amongst conventional, classic Samsung devices, U900 is the flagship.

Samsung U900 Soul

Soul is the abbreviation of “Spirit of Ultra”, which makes the special position of U900 even more unambiguous. Everything that Samsung knew until now in the Ultra series is now included in Soul, thus having a kind of “one and only” aspect. This has been modified a bit since MWC, as U800 has also been announced, which is the same, but it’s not a slider.

Samsung U900 Soul

Although Soul’s specialty, the touchscreen replacing navigation buttons, has been announced with a lot of hype, we have already seen something like this from them in the case of E950, but we don’t have to go far to see something similar at the competition: LG KF600 resembles the idea very much. So U900 is an important device on the Korean manufacturer’s palette of phones, thus we have expected it to be an almost flawless handset. Still, we have received a rather small box from XXL GSM

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