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  • #57764352

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    Találtam egy cikket a PC-Proban, és ezt kellene lefordítanom. Sajnos nem megy a dolog, nagyjából értem miről van szó, de ez kevés. Valaki legyenszíves fordítsa le nekem!

    Peer-to-peer gets labels' backin

    Three of the world's top record labels have backed peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharingas a way to distribute music in the US.
    But the announcement doesn't reflect a change in stance from copyright holders: it comes with the launch of a new technology thet promises to compensate digital rigths holders when users swap songs.
    Peer Impact, a project by secretive US firm Wurld Media is set go live in the US in early 2005 with a catalogue of tracks from Warner Music, Sony BMG and Vivendi universal. The company said it will allow music fans to swap songs with others as they do on Kazaa.
    But the differenceis Wurld Media has developed a technology for changing users swapping.
    'Peer Impact is the first to sign actual deals with three major labels that allow the labels'vast catalogue of music to be shared,' said a spokesperson for Wurld Media.
    Details of the deal with record labels and other 'added benefits' of the service haven't been revealed but the company said it would offer advantages 'quite different from legal download stores and other P2P networks'.
    'There's something big in the offing for consumers, but we're keeping much of what makes it different close to our chest,' said the spokesperson.
    The music industry has always been keen on new tecnology that compensates rigths holders.
    'We've never said we've been against peer-to-peer, but obviously it has to be done in such a way that enables the rigths holders to get paid for what they do,' said Julia Harari, spokesperson for industry body the International federation of the Phonographic Industry.

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