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  • Mister_X


    válasz Redcaster #28696 üzenetére

    Ragnaros hero
    - As a general rule, the transformation into the Ragnaros hero should behave the same as the transformation into the Lord Jaraxxus hero.
    - Alexstrasza can be used upon the Ragnaros hero to alter its current and maximum Health to 15.
    Following this, if the Ragnaros hero takes damage it will be possible to heal it back up to 15.
    - If a player wins a game as the Ragnaros hero, they will still gain experience for whichever class they were playing when they started the game.
    - Nefarian will still generate cards from the same class the opposing player now turned into Ragnaros started with.
    - Becoming Ragnaros will not destroy or remove any of the hero's current Secrets or weapons. However it will remove any Armor.
    - Becoming Ragnaros will reset the hero's exhausted status, allowing them to immediately attack even if they have already attacked that turn.

    Hero power
    - The damage of DIE, INSECT! will be increased by Prophet Velen.
    - If the player uses their hero power in the same turn before being replaced by Ragnaros, they will be able to immediately use DIE, INSECT! once they are replaced by Ragnaros.
    -Steamwheedle Sniper will not allow you to target with DIE, INSECT!.


    Ez áll a hearthstone gamepadia-n. Aztán a gyakorlatban majd kiderül, azért durva lenne egy +8 HP és eléggé OP hero power "bizonyos ideig" (amíg le nem ütik), hogy utána folytathasd az előző heroval.

    "Most kell szerénynek lenni, mert most van mire." --- "All dreams eventually disappear when the dreamers wake."

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