
Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • duvi


    Elite Dangerous - 2.2 Beta is live



    - Added F-63 Condor as a playable ship
    - Added Imperial Fighter as a playable ship
    - Added Taipan as a playable ship
    - Added fighter specific weapon modules
    - Added fighter loadouts
    - Added Fighter Bays for supported ships: Corvette, Cutter, Anaconda, Type 9, Beluga, Federal Gunship and Keelback
    - Added Crew Lounge
    - NPC fighter pilots can be hired
    - Hired pilots receive a revenue percentage
    - Fighters can be given orders
    - Mothership can be given simple orders when player is in a fighter
    - NPC ships can use ship launched fighters
    - Role panel updated to support fighter operations
    - Display NPC Fighter Pilot name when targeting the ship they are controlling
    - Added a warning/reminder to set active NPC crew

    Surface Features

    - New geological features added (fumeroles and geysers)
    - Biological entities added
    - POIs can now be persistant (applies to new geological and organic features)
    - Mysterious things added


    - Added Beluga Liner as a playable ship


    - Limpet blueprints added
    - Scanners (KWS, Cargo, Wake) blueprints added
    - Defences (ECM, Chaff, Heat Sinks, and Point Defence Turrets) blueprints added
    - Utilities (Life Support, Fuel Scooping, Refinery, AFM) blueprints added
    - Added new Engineers


    - Implementation of patch-based planet rendering on the system and planet maps
    And more...

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák