
Sony Ericsson C510 - half smile

Menu, basic functions

The large display has a clear, high-quality picture. In the list of themes we can see a couple of well-known ones, for example besides Clarity we have the one called Dusk setting, which has the image of dusk as wallpaper and we can modify this by tilting the phone to the sides. The Cyber-shot theme has no extras, but it changes the wallpaper of the standby screen in slideshow mode. We can choose between grid (12 icons), list (1 icon) and rotating menu, the first one is the best in terms of usability. We have a short video here, demonstrating the menu and the themes:


SE C510

The phonebook is just like on any other current mid-range Sony Ericsson phone. It can store 1000 contacts, a total of 7000 information fields, these are displayed on a tabbed interface, entries can have tons of phone calls, all kinds of labels, an image, ringtone or even birth date. I can’t really say anything bad about it: it works good, it’s well arranged and logical.

SE C510

Messaging was also found to be okay. We won’t notice any changes over here either, all I’ve seen was that the message warning us of exceeding the 160 character limit for a message appears more silently, it won’t interrupt typing like it did before. MMS messages are supported up to 300 KB and there is a wizard to help set up an email account. Attachments are supported, the email client can send and receive files that are otherwise not supported for viewing/editing by C510.

SE C510

No problems with the calendar, it has all the features it needs to have. We can opt for a month or week view; the types of entries are the usual ones, we can set up repeating alarms. The calculator has the design we’ve seen on C905, there is a stopwatch, a countdown timer and code memory too. I’ve been missing a flashlight, but the list of applications includes Google Maps, which, since there’s no GPS receiver, relies on cell information in order to define our approximate location. Of course this works if we have internet access enabled on our SIM card. Other applications include YouTube and AccuWeather, both of them need an internet connection as well.

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