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    válasz HKorn #139565 üzenetére

    Épp ezért agyalok én is ezen a Pixel 3a opción. Szép és jó, hogy kiváló a kamera plusz a szoftvertámogatottság, de a hardver vajon meddig fogja bírni?

    Pont azt olvastam egy oldalon, hogy a 3a gyengébb hardvere miatt, sokkal lassabban dolgozza fel a képeket mint a nagy 3-as testvére. Ráadásul a szín pontosságért felelős szenzort is kispórolták.

    "here are two omissions, though: the Pixel 3a series lacks a spectral/flicker sensor, which eliminates the banding found when taking photos or videos of backlit LEDs and helps with color accuracy; and it lacks Google's specialized Pixel Visual Core, which speeds up photo processing significantly.

    The Snapdragon 670 is considerably slower than the S845 in the Pixel 3, and compounding the issue is the 3a's lack of Google's Pixel Visual Core, so HDR+ photos take about double the length to "complete" as they do on Google's phones. It doesn't stop you from taking many photos at once, but when switching to the gallery you'll see a lower-resolution placeholder until the numbers have finished crunching. It doesn't break the spell, but it certainly exposes the strings being pulled behind the scenes to make these incredible photos happen."

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