

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Woodslave



    pár érdekesség

    1) You can build muscle in a calorie deficit. Fat loss is an energy-dependent process whereas muscle gain is a signalling-dependent process. - egyébként erre hozom fel mindig azt az elméletet, hogy minél többször kell edzeni egy izmot mert az a "jelzés" amitől izmot építünk. Logikusnak hangzik minél gyakoribb a jelzés (ami nem megy a recoverty rovására) annál több izom...
    2) If you're trying to gain as much muscle as possible, don't focus on total daily protein. Instead, get to a total daily protein as a factor of protein per meal (sufficient to hit leucine threshold at each feeding) multiplied by meal frequency (considering the refractory period)
    3) Aim to lose fat gradually if trying to maintain performance. Perhaps eat at maintenance kcals on training days and create a larger deficit on non-training days.
    4) Consume the majority of your kcals and carbohydrates pre-training. Protein is the only macro you really need in terms of optimal recovery (thinking about adaptation rather than simply replenishment). There may also be some benefits of recovering with low CHO availability (augmented aerobic adaptations).

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    "akkor ne rezisztencia edzést csinálj hanem rendes odabaxósat :) "Bá

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák