SE W890i - perfect correction

Miscellaneous, games

Regarding games, there are three full version applications on the phone (hooray!): Block Challenge by Lumines is familiar from previous Sony Ericsson models. This highly modified Tetris clone can hold one’s attention for a considerably long time. But if we really want to take our time with gaming the mobile version of Sims 2 is an even better choice as it can keep us “busy” for weeks as our character is evolving. The third game was a real surprise for me: the tennis game, which came out for the first time on the K700i, has returned and has gone through a series of developments. On hone hand there is multiplayer via Bluetooth and on the other hand instead of the weakest Mark we can play against real tennis players after a certain level - or at least their names are real; according to the software L. Davenport is the most advanced female player, but the whole female’s field is included. Maybe we won’t be missing Ágnes Szávay for next year.

But in the entertainment menu we can’t find only games: on the one hand we have the PhotoDJ, VideoDJ and MusicDJ trio which can be used to create photos, videos and music and other hand there is the Dictaphone and the TrackID application.

There is a complete submenu, named Location services. Entering here we can discover the first menu item, Google Maps, which is – not surprisingly – what it name tells. Upon starting it we find ourselves at the last visited location on the map which can be panned, zoomed and the satellite view is also functional. Theoretically – if there was such a service in Hungary – the software could locate us with a relatively high precision on the map based on cell information, but unfortunately this feature didn’t work for us. Anyway we can still search by address.

Using the map needs an active Internet connection, since it would be quite a job putting the whole world map on the phone, so the software downloads only the map parts we’re interested in. We can store favorite locations and there is a feature to search for hotels, restaurants and other POI-like stuff (Points of Interest) in the area.

A cikk még nem ért véget, kérlek, lapozz!

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