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  • Afit

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    válasz Hasaggymeg #10638 üzenetére

    Hasaggymeg: focal...considerations?

    Afit: Allow me to elaborate on that. :)
    By focal considerations I meant the careful thinking process related to designing a compact sentence which the most effectively conveys to the impatient reader an important information. (Was that a mouthful? :U )


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    When you pick up a flier, you usually take a quick shufty at it, and that is where your fleeting relationship with it comes to an end, right? The time people devote to information processing is infinitesimally short - we live in the fast lane. The shorter (i.e. concise) the sentence, the higher the chances the flier achieves its goal: the reader takes in the content (rather than his focus get (get = bare infinitive) distracted by a long-winded sentence). That is why I favour sentence #1 over #2, and the way to my developing favour of #1 is what I designated by the expression "focal considerations". Hope this helps. If not, whistle! :)

    "There are no facts, only interpretations." - Nietzsche

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