

Új hozzászólás Aktív témák

  • Roland861010


    válasz granini #14464 üzenetére

    Eléggé oda rak amúgy .

    We have made various changes to Monster Abilities and Elite Affixes that apply Crowd Control effects, including
    Cold Enchanted Elites that attack in quick succession (Ex: Ghost Archers and Snake Brutes) will no longer proc the Cold Enchanted on every hit.Chilling Wind will spawn overlapping walls less often.The Stun ability from the Cannibal Gorger can now be more easily avoided.Increased the cooldown on the Cold Goatman Ice Pillars.Reduced the amount of Chill applied from the Cold Spider attack.Reduced the Stun duration from the Nangari Snake Eyes from 1.5 to 1.25 seconds.Other changes that reduce how often the player can be targeted by Crowd Control

    Mindenki azt mondta mekkora nagy nerf meg könnyű lesz a játék... hát nem tudom.

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