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  • F34R


    Kozeleg a Fate uj route es valaki nem birta magaban tartani a VN-t.

    I finally finished the Heaven's Feel route as well as all 40 bad ends in Fate/Stay Night.
    It took me more than six years of sporadic playing/reading, but it's finally completed. All I can say is that Fate was good, Unlimited Blade Works was awesome, but Heaven's Feel was... eek.gif

    I can't wait to see Heaven's Feel in anime form. That route was brutal and dark. There were many surprising plot twists, unexpected character developments, and lots of important information about past events and family ties. The route was very long, and I'm a little concerned about how they are going to fit it all in 3 films, but ufotable has a great track record. I can definitely understand going for theatrical releases vs TV since there are many graphic scenes that are important to the plot.

    Ufotable mindig jot csinal.

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